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Tofo – Vilankulos – Bazaruto – Mozambique UPDATE

Tofo – Vilankulos – Bazaruto – Mozambique UPDATE

Tofo – Vilankulos – Bazaruto – Mozambique UPDATE: Over to Duarte as he logs in and catches us up…

Tick Tock Tick Tock

The time she is coming… 😉

Yeah that’s right, Heavy Tackle season is upon us, it’s been a few days of non-stop rigging and from early next week we will be on Bazaruto doing some small work on Vamizi to start the season on the 5th of September…

By the way, anyone interested in coming to catch some big Blacks and Blues, we had a cancellation so we got the 22nd to 28th November available…

First couple weeks are supposed to be a mix between light tackle, jigging and some heavy tackle but of course that depends on conditions – if its anything like early September last year which was the best we have ever seen so early in the season and with some good quality Blacks as well, then all else goes out the drain and only the big guns will be out!

No one is targeting them but there have been a few fish seen as of lately. Yesterday we had three boats out and the boys on IBO had one take a kawakawa they were catching on a bait rod and a few days ago on Strenue the boys had a 500-pound fish take their live jube jube intended for cuda…survived for half an hour before parting…

But yeah fishing has been off the charts since late April and awesome fun but now it’s time to get it into another gear…

Seeing we will be away for the next three months (bazaruto, Australia and then back to Baz), August was mostly time for the kids with a cheeky little trip to Tofo which, as usual, was amazing!

Caught up with senor Shonalanga, surfed, played football on the beach, shore fished with the kids and had some amazing feast with good people….

Mozambique Update from FishBazaruto in Tofinho

What a way to finish off our beach days in Tofo… a feast with friends every day!!!

The swell was rather big for any kind of spinning so the boys just started to fish with some local kids catching all kinds of creatures on the rock pool crevices…

Dave showing the young lads how it’s done with a spinning off from the beach…

..and catching some lekker swim baits for daddy´s Marlin Season!!!

So yeah life´s good and about to get better!!!

Cheers to another great Heavy Tackle Marlin Season in the Bazaruto Archipelago!!!

Post and SEO by The Sardine News.


SEO and Content Marketing specialist. Fishermen. Surfer. Freediver. Writer. Adventurer.

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