Mozambique Fishing – Into #1 and #2 where we again found some more jube jube´s – must have caught over 30 for the day. We started baiting them and got into the thick of things. Unfortunately, and strangely we lost a number of really good fish due to the trebles opening but still managed to release some good specimens including this great barracuda for Christo.
May is always a great month to fish in Mozambique and this year, despite being breezier than usual for the time of year, it was no exception. If its variety you looking for Mozambique Fishing this time of the year is great for the sheer diversity it offers.
The warm months are well known for its GT fishing and April and May are right up there. The cuta can be wild and so can the wahoo and Sailfish as they begin their winter run in late April. We have our second run of Marlin; be it Blacks or Blues and there is a vast kaleidoscope of other species on offer.
We did it all this month; target Marlin on heavy gear, chase those speedster wahoo and sailfish, we had great cuta fishing days, some good popping and jigging for GT´s and other species and finished the month with a great day aboard Salt Shaker, with Pieter, Christo and Duarte Jnr.
Such a privilege every time I take the little guys fishing!
Here´s the link to a few other Mozambique Fishing reports from April & May ´21!!!
Here´s a couple pics of the day aboard Salt Shaker.
Difficult conditions due to some unseasonably green water pushed in by the northerly and we were unlucky to have missed and lose a lot of fish due to tackle failure (a box of defected treble mustad hooks being the cause)…but really good fun and action all day long as we chased all kinds of game fish on light tackle.
You can see the link to that Ascension 2015 big tuna on popper movie trip here;
Captain Duarte Rato spends his life chasing billfish of all colours and creeds - around the planet. Duarte has released more marlin than most of us dream of is possible - he grew up fishing the waters of Mozambique for billfish since he was a teenager.